Social Media Analytics By Netbase Quid

Social media reflects the beliefs, priorities, and preferences of people. Marketers use analytics to design their products and shape their marketing campaigns. Netbase Quid is a leading provider of consumer intelligence.

What Is Social Media?

Social media is an increasingly popular internet mode of communication that reaches more people than any other mode before. Users express what they are thinking and what they tell others.

More than 5 billion people worldwide use social media on a regular basis. It is expected that 260 million U.S. residents will be using social media within a year.

While the content of social media communications is important for marketers, they also disclose who is communicating, where they live, what populous category they are from, and when they posted it.

Social media users tend to be relatively wealthy and better educated. Ninety percent of users are between 18 and 29 years old.

The most popular social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit, YouTube, and WhatsApp.

What Are Social Media Analytics

Social media analytics is a complicated process for gathering and analyzing data from social media communications. The analytic process includes modules to

  • Establish the process objectives.
  • Identify the content and its sources related to those objectives.
  • Assemble, filter, and sort that relevant content using keywords to filter data.
  • Build a model based on an analysis of the gathered data. This stage of analysis requires special tools to filter and translate the data.

The process involves the stages of monitoring, listening, and analysis. It should be noted that the predominance of younger social media users limits the source of data. Therefore, professional analysts like NetbaseQuid are essential for building a relevant model and meaningful accurate interpretation of data.

The first stage of monitoring scans the internet and captures communications relevant to the analytic purpose and a given brand or product. The monitoring tool is an algorithm-based computer program that scans and indexes the data.

The next stage is social media listening which is somewhat more sophisticated. It gathers the monitored internet conversations and filters them into the pre-established model for the brand and entire industry.

The listening tools reveal the why, where, and platform on which the conversations occur. It tells marketers how the public perceives the product identified within the context of the market model.

How Do Marketers Utilize Social Media Analytics?

Marketers use social media analytics to do brand research and target their marketing campaigns. Producers use it to design their advertising and more clearly identify their likely customers.

With its analysis, they can streamline and gain manufacturing and production efficiency. They can also have more control of their advertising budgets.


Marketers use sophisticated third-party programs with professional assistance to analyze their targeted market for their products.

Our professionals provide expertise assisted by advanced software for consumer and market intelligence. We use advanced artificial intelligence to process and interpret billions of data and provide expert brand, agency, and consulting services so that our customers make smart decisions.

At NetbaseQuid we are a market leader in social media analytics and artificial intelligence text analytics. An independent 2021 Forrester New Wave Report ranked Netbase Quid as a leader in the AI-Enabled Consumer Intelligence Platform market report.

Our clients include all sizes of businesses including United Airlines, Lufthansa, Disney, Walmart, T-Mobile, Hyundai, Microsoft, Lloyds Bank, and New York Times, to name a few.

Please visit our website where we have tutorials on how to use our platform to enhance your marketing campaigns.